Patient Safety

Patient Safety

Frequent disinfection of all surfaces and rigorous-sanitizing protocols in place

Regular disinfection of all surfaces coming in human contact is ensured.Sample testing is done by an accredited external pathology lab.

4-step sterilisation for instruments and Hand rotors

Adherence to the Toothly’s established process to ensure a cent per cent sterile and safe environment for patient and Doctor.

Aerosol removal and Air purifying

Special instrument has been installed in the clinic to reduce the aerosols generated during the treatment.

UV Light disinfection technologies

UV Light chambers installed in clinic have a light source of 40-60 watt and are used for disinfecting day to day articles like napkins,all cloth items,N95/KN95 masks,tubing’s,telephones and other surgical items.

Modified pre-treatment protocols for patients and visitors

Modified protocols which patient needs to follow before and during the visit to the clinic. These include hand sanitization, sharing travel &medical history, infra-red thermal scanning, oxygen level monitoring, iodine mouth rinsing to name the critical ones.

Complete Global standard PPE for Dentists and Dental assistants

Our policy use of best in class & global standard PPE’s for the dentist and dental staffs to ensure that there is no cross-contamination between patients, thereby ensuring patient and staff safety.

Responsible Bio-waste Disposal

“Toothly” is committed to the Government regulations to dispose of biomedical waste. The new policy ensures that all extra PPE material should be disposed of as per WHO guidelines.

Daily clinic fumigation

‘Toothly’ clinic is fumigated multiple times in a day to ensure the elimination of all forms of microbial life including viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc.



Lovely Smile for All Ages.